Jason Bunn, Manager of Retiree Benefits and Employee Benefits Specialist - Human Resources

Tell us a little about yourself. Education? Family? Any other “basics” you want to share?

I graduated from Riverheads High School and then Roanoke College. After teaching two years in Rockbridge County, I went back to school and received my Master's Degree from Old Dominion University. I have worked in Human Resources for five years, starting at Kendal, and most recently at the Rockbridge Area Health Center.

I am married to Karla Bunn, IT Systems Analyst, and we have two adorable daughters, age 5 and 2.

How do you unwind/have fun? Any hobbies/ hidden talents?

I enjoy watching and playing sports, especially golf, and also enjoy movie nights with my family.

Anything you are looking forward to in particular at W&L?

Getting to know students and have great philosophical discussions.

Best advice anyone has ever given you?

Don't undersell yourself.