Request for Replacement Diploma

You have three options for completing this form:

  1. Download the PDF, print it out, and complete by hand.
  2. Download the PDF, open it in your favorite app to fill out and submit either by printing or emailing.
  3. Complete the form below that upon clicking the button, will fill out the PDF and download it for you so you can print or email the form accordingly.

If requesting a diploma in your new name you must provide legal proof of change of name documentation.

Please return damaged diploma to our office.

Replacement Fees

$75 each type, RUSH: $125 for one; $200 for both.

Check or Money Order made out to Washington and Lee University with this request.

Name and Address where Diploma is to be Mailed

Please send this completed and signed form with your check or Money Order made out to Washington and Lee University to:

Washington and Lee University Registrar’s Office
Attn: Debbie Alden
204 West Washington Street
Lexington, VA  24450

Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery from receipt of request.